Andrews Fasteners bolts in CERN DUNE prototype (ProtoDUNE)

Andrews Fasteners bolts in CERN DUNE prototype (ProtoDUNE)

Andrews Fasteners bolts supplied to CERN project (ProtoDUNE)

Andrews Fasteners is supplying fasteners for CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research near Geneva. Andrews Fasteners bolt will be used for the DUNE prototype project called ProtoDUNE as a part of the CERN Neutrino Platform.

Enjoy the assembly process of live at

CERN Courier - Update March 2017

The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is a case in point. CERN makes rapid progress towards prototype detectors for the international DUNE experiment.

This 11m high structure with thick steel walls will soon contain a prototype detector for the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE).

It is being assembled in conjunction with CERN’s Neutrino Platform, which was established in 2014 to support neutrino experiments hosted in Japan and the US and pictured here in December as the roof of the structure was lowered into place.

Another almost identical structure is under construction nearby and will house a second prototype detector for DUNE. Both are being built at CERN’s new “EHN1” test facility, which was completed last year at the north area of the laboratory’s Prévessin site.

DUNE - which is due to start operations in the next decade, will address key outstanding questions about neutrinos.

Read more in CERN Courier - March 2017

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CERN protodune

The CERN Neutrino Platform is undertaking to foster and contribute to fundamental research in neutrino physics at particle accelerators worldwide.

ProtoDUNE - The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment is a next-generation long-baseline neutrino-oscillation experiment. This engineering prototype will test DUNE detector components and help establish construction procedures. Once it’s built using Andrews Fasteners bolt, ProtoDUNE will be placed in a test beam to check out the detector response. All information gathered will help to fine-tune DUNE — from construction to operation and data analysis.

DUNE Project is a collaboration of almost 800 scientists and engineers from 145 institutes in 26 nations and will tackle some of the biggest unsolved questions in physics.

The ProtoDUNE will be installed with Andrews Fasteners bolts in Geneva by the end of the year.

The LBNF/DUNE, will be the large scale neutrino detector containing four vessels with approximate dimensions or 15 x 15 x 62 m, and volume of 14000m3 each, filled with 20000 tones of liquid Argon (LAr) at cryogenic temperature.

Previously, a similar, but smaller - detector has been constructed at Fermilab.

35-Ton Prototype Particle Detector for DUNE (Fremilab)

Source: Youtube, Fermilab

LBNF-DUNE graphic: miles and kilometers. Courtesy of DUNE/LBNF

The 35-Ton Prototype has been built at Sanford Underground Research Facility in the USA. After successful trials, the project of the full-scale modules 400-ton prototype at CERN will take place in most prestigious location in Europe. That will be the final test before construction of the first of four huge detectors for the actual experiment, which is scheduled to start in 2024.

The University of Sheffield is playing a key role in design and installation of one of above units.



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